You don’t have to make APN settings for Every Indian Network,This software automatically recognise’s the Network signal and You Just have to Press Connect button to establish an Internet Connection with the network.You Could connect Maximum 5 Device’s with the Help of WiFi support in-built in this software.Works Fine with every Huawei data card except broad-band services like Tata Photon+ and Reliance netconnect+.In India,About 60% to 70% users use’s 3G Data Card manufactured by Huawei for accessing Internet on their Computer,laptops and tablets.These data cards use’s in-built Mobile partner software program to connect to the Internet But as time goes,Huawei keeps launching new Wireless Data Card in the market with the advance version of Mobile partner install in it with added features.But what about old Users, who are still using old version of Mobile partner softwares which are really slow in use.So Here is the Latest Official Framework of Mobile Partner v23+ software with custom WiFi support and in-built Indian network settings for all Huawei data cards.įeatures & Details of Huawei Mobile Partner Framework 23.0